
Reward Lesson  4
I.  Phonetics
Exercise 1. Complete the chart with the words given.

    Present Indefinite    Past Indefinite    Future Indefinite    
You, we, they
He (she)    am are is    was
was    will be    able to do it.

[D] these


thank   this their thought then thing brother nothing three the
Exercise 2.  Practice these word combinations.
[D-T]    These are three brothers, these are their father and mother.
First think then speak.
II.  Grammar
Modal verbs. Can (could Past Indefinite)
for ability (мог, могу, может).

I, you, he, she, we they    can
not/couldn't    drive a car.            
Can Could    I, you, he, she, we, they    drive a car?    Yes. No    I
they    can
cannot (can't) could not (couldn't)
Эквивалентом модального глагола can  является словосочетание to be able to do smth, которое употребляется во всех временах. Не забывайте это, когда выполняете  контрольные по английскому.
Exercise 3. Answer the questions.
1.    Can you speak German?
2.    Could you drive a car when you were a child?
3.    Can this boy write with his left hand?
4    Could Mary drive a bicycle when she was six?
5.    Can they cook?
6.    Can you play any musical instrument?
7.    Could she swim when she was a small girl?
Exercise  4. Complete the sentences with can   (can't)   or  could (couldn't)
1.    Can    Jane    write    English.    Yes,    she    can. I know she could write when she was five.
2.    They    celebrate their wedding im March. I think they    do it


He    dance when he was four.
4   Unfortunately we    go to the country last Sunday.    you
go there this week?
5.    I know that Susan    play the piano last year. - And her brother?
Oh, he    play when he was seven.
6.    Yesterday Nick    send a fax. We hope he    do it today.
can't (for prohibition)
You can't cross when the light is red.
Вы не можете
перейти, если горит
красный свет.
can (for permission)
You can cross when the light is green.
Вы можете перейти,
если горит зеленый


III. Reading Activity
Exercise 5. Write full answers to these questions about rules in   your country.
1.    When can you start school?
2.    When can you get married?
3.    When can you drive a car?

4  When can you have your own passport?
5.    When can you vote?
6.    When can you leave school?

Exercise 6.  Complete these sentences with can  or can't and make true statements about your country.
1.    You can't have a drink in a bar when you are eleven. - You can do at the age of 16.
2.    You    goto the university if you pass all the exams. -    
3.    You    take more then four books from the library. -    
4  You    wear a hat in the church.    
5.    You    ride a motorbike atthe stadium.    
6.    You    go for a walk in the aeroplane.    
7.    You    buy a new car, if you have enough money.    
Exercise 7.  Make these sentences interrogative and netative.
1.    You      can      visit      a     foreign      country     with      a      visa. Can you visit a foreign county with a visa - Yes, you can. (No, you can't)
2.    You can read a book in the lift.

3.    You can feed the animals in the Zoo.
4  You can wear shoes in the mosque.

5.    You can cook your own meals.
6.    You can take photos at the museums.
7.    You can take your dog to the office.
Topical Vocabulary
petrol station
pedestrian crossing
break the rule (law) be thirsty
бензоколонка церковь мечеть пляж
пешеходный переход
слушаться соблюдать
нарушать правило (закон)
испытывать жажду (разг.
хотеть пить)
Text 1.
Task 1. Read, compare and anylise the text.
These days there are rules everywhere we go and it's hard to obey them all. But what about the rules and customs we don't know about when we're visitors to a town or a country? Are you breaking the rules?
1.    You're waiting to cross the street at a pedestrian crossing. The lights are red for pedestrian, but there are no cars. Can you cross?
2.    You're in a large city park which has lots of trees and grass. It's a beautiful summer's day and the sun is shining. Can you walk on the grass?
3.    It's half past three on a Sunday afternoon, and you're thirsty. Can you buy a nice, cold glass of beer?
4.    You're with some very young children and you'd like to have a drink in a bar. Can they go in with you?
В наши дни правила встречаются везде, куда вы идете и их трудно соблюдать. Ну, а что вы скажете (как насчет) правил и обычаев, о которых мы не знаем, когда посещаем город или страну? Вы нарушаете правила?
1.    Вы ждете, чтобы перейти дорогу на пешеходном перекрестке. Горит "красный" для пешеходов, но машин нет. Можете ли вы перейти?
2.    Вы находитесь в большом городском парке, где много деревьев и травы. Прекрасный летний день, солнце светит. Можете ли вы гулять по траве?
3.    Половина четвертого пополудни, воскресенье, вы хотите пить. Можете ли вы купить хороший холодный стакан пива?
4.    Вы с очень маленькими детьми и хотите зайти в бар выпить. Могут ли дети пойти с вами?

Task 2. Go on translating the text into Russian.
5.    You're in a restaurant but you don't know what the food is like. Can you walk into the kitchen and have a look?
6.    You want to buy a postcard in the newsagent's or tobacconist's shop. Can you also get stamps there?
7.    You're in the cinema and you'd like a cigarette. There are no signs which say 'no smoking'. So can you smoke?
8.    You're in a cafe and you'd like a drink. Can you get it at the bar and pay for it there?
Task 3. And now try to translate the text into English
9.    Вы чувствуете себя совершенно больным, но у вас нет ни
медицинской страховки, ни денег. Можете ли вы договориться с
доктором о встрече?
10.    Вы хотите поехать автобусом. Можете ли вы купить билет в один
конец до того, как сядете в автобус?
Use these words and expressions.
medical insurance make an appoinment take a bus (go by bus) single ticket.
медицинская страховка договориться о встрече поехать автобусом билет в один конец
Exercise 8. Write three sentences saying what you can do when you
are sixteen in   your country, and three sentences saying what you can't do
be (go) on mission
on board (~ a ship) zero gravity
float (~ off)
freeze-dried (food)
gourmet meals
messy job
hours off (cp. days off)
depend on smb.; smth
daily routine
New vocabulary
команда, коллектив, экипаж
быть (уезжать) в командировку, по
делу (зд.  полет)
на борту (корабля)
невесомость (доел, нулевая
плавать (уплыть)
сублимированная (пища)
пища гурмана
утомительная работа
часы отдыха (ср. дни отдыха)
отделение (отсек)
зависеть от кого-либо; чего-либо.
ежедневная рутина (занятия),
Text 2. Task 4.  Read, compare and analyse the text.
Just an ordinary day?
In 1990, Dr Ron Parise was one of a team of astronauts who went on a nine-day mission that took them round the Earth 143 times. Dr Parise describes life on board the space shuttle Columbia.
'Living and working in zero gravity is OK. It's quite nice floating around, but you have to fix your feet into position while you're working so that you don't float off.
But it wasn't all work. There was lots of time for serious things like standing on the ceiling and holding each other up with one finger. One of our favourite games was throwing and catching sweets and blowing water at each other.
There are some problems with living in space. For example, it's pretty difficult to eat chips or spaghetti. Food is freeze-dried and kept in sealed boxes. It's not bad, but you know you're not going into space to eat gourmet meals. It's also a bit like hospital because you have to choose all your meals beforehand.

Обычный день?
В 1990 году Д-р Рон Парис был одним из экипажа астронавтов, совершивших девятидневный полет, во время которого они облетели вокруг Земли 143 раза. Д-р Парис описывает жизнь на борту космического корабля "Коламбия".
'Жизнь и работа в невесомости - O.K. Приятно плавать вокруг, но вам необходимо зафиксировать ноги во время работы так, чтобы не выплыть.
Но это не вся работа. Много раз случались такие серьезные вещи, как стойка (стояние) на потолке и поддерживание друг друга одним пальцем. Одной из любимых игр было бросание и поимка конфет и поливание друг друга водой.
Жизнь в космосе имеет несколько проблем. Например, достаточно трудно кушать чипсы или спагетти. Пища сублимированная и содержится в запечатанных коробках. Это неплохо, но вы знаете, что вы летите в космос не для того, чтобы есть пищу гурмана. Это также напоминает больницу, так как вы должны выбрать все блюда заранее.
Task 5. Go on translating the text.
Cleaning your teeth is a problem. You can't brush your teeth with your mouth open because it's a very messy job. If you spill anything in the shuttle, you have to catch it in a cloth otherwise it just keeps floating around.
Use these words
hours off    часы отдыха
hard work    напряженная работа
compartment    отсек (отделение)
Exercise 9. Answer these questions.
1.    Is it difficult to live and work in zero gravity?    
2.    Why do astronauts have to fix their feet while working?    
3.    What serious things do people face in zero gravity?    
4  Are there any problems with eating in space? What are they?    
5.    Do astronauts eat usual meals?    
6.    Do  astronauts  have to work hard? What is their time-table (расписание)?
7.    How can you rest in space?    
8.    Are sleeping places in space like those on the Earth?    

Task 6. Try to translate into English.
Астронавты напряженно работают 12 часов и затем 12 часов отдыхают. Вы должны отдыхать в своей постели даже если вы не спите. Каждый спальный отсек очень узкий и закрыт как длинный шкаф. Он расположен вертикально или горизонтально, в зависимости от того, что вы считаете верхом!'
Exercise 10. Write down five or six daily routine activities. Which ones do you think you can do in space? Which ones are more difficult to do?
1.    You can wash yourself in space.
Exercise 11. Describe daily routine activites of your friend.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Have fun!
The well-Known singer Enrico Caruso was once driving not far from New York, It so happened that something went wrong with his car and he had to spend some time in the house of a farmer. Soon they became friendly and the farmer asked Caruso his name.
When the farmer heard the name, he rose to his feet. "Oh, I've never thought I should see a man like you in my kitchen, sir", he cried out. "Caruso. The great traveller, Robinson Caruso!"
Think of Russian equivalents to:

· When at Rome do as the Romans do.    


· Neither rhyme nor reason.

· Every cook praises his own broth.    



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