I. Заполните пропуски контрольной работы по английскому языку артиклями,  где это необходимо.     

а) 1. .. . Volga is . . . longest river in . . . European part of . . . Russia.       

2.     I'd like to go on ... excursion to ... Crimea.                                    

3.     There is . . . stadium not far from our . . . house, . . . stadium is I . . . largest in our town.        

4.      My brother is . . . pupil of . . . 8th form and he wants to become ... engineer.

5.            ... chemistry is his favourite subject at . . . school.

6.            ... children like . . . ice-cream.

7.    Can you tell me . .. way to . . . theatre?

8.    Here is . . . book you need.

9.        ... walls of our classroom are yellow.

10.        ... butter and . . . cheese are made of  .. . milk.

11.       Which . . . fruit do you like: . . . apples or . . . oranges?
12. I go to ... bed at 12 o'clock at night.

13. When will you finish . . . school?

14.I get up at 7 o'clock in . . . morning.

b) 1. I  ... England has to import. . . raw materials, such as . . . timber , . . petroleum, . . . wool and others.

2. Many ships with . . . grain, . . . oil, . . . cotton and other goods come to . . . London along . . . river Thames.

3. I usually drink ... tea with . . . sugar.

4.     Will you have . . . cup of tea?

5.     Pass me . . . sugar, please.

6.         . . . tea is very hot, I'll put . . . milk in it. Don't pour milk into my cup, please. I don't like ... tea with ... milk.

7.         . . . Peace is . . . life, .. . war is . . . suffering and . . . death.

8.    What . . . beautiful rose ! What . . . beautiful flowers !

9.    Good . . . luck !

10.   We shall go to   ... theatre . .. next week.

11.   We shall see .. . new play at ... Belarusian Drama Theatre.

12.   Let's go to ... cinema.

13.   They say . . . new detective film is on.


 Выберите нужную форму прилагательного или наречия в предложениях контрольной работы по английскому языку.

1.   I am (happy, happily) to meet you. They have lived all their life happy, happily).

2.    Don't speak to me so (cold, coldly). Your hands are (cold, coldly), put on your gloves.

3.    The results of our work were (perfect, perfectly). We have done everything (perfect, perfectly).

4.    "I am quite (helpless, helplessly) in solving such problems", she said. She looked at them (helpless, helplessly) not knowing what to do.

5.    Can you tell me the (exact, exactly) time of his arrival. Sorry, but I don't know (exact, exactly) when he comes back.

6.He often comes home (late, lately). I haven't seen him (late, lately).



 Переведите следующие предложения контрольной работы сначала на рус­ский язык, а затем снова на английский, уделяя внимание упот­реблению предлогов,

1. Не went to Moscow.They will go to the South in a week. She goes to work by bus.

2.     They stayed at home in the evening. I stayed at the entrance of the theatre. He stayed at the hotel.

3.I was born on the first of May.

4.     Our lessons begin at six o'clock in the evening.

5.     The child fell on the floor and began crying.

6.     He took the picture off the wall.

7.     He looked through the window.

8.     She travelled by train (bus, plane).

9.     We went for a walk.

10.    He worked at the .post office.

11.    We turned round the corner.

12.    Would you like to sit in front ?

13.    She walked along the street.

14.    The bus stopped and we got off.

15.    He travelled about many countries of the world.


 Fill in the prepositions where necessary.

1. I haven't seen her    ...    Monday.

2.     Photographs are fine because Peter took them   ...  an expensive camera.

3.     We usually go   ...    a trip on our vacation.

4.     Don't translate the text word    . . .     word.

5.     busy has been very busy   . . .   this week.

6.     He arrived   . . .    our town right after finishing your school.

7.     She told her mother she would be back   ...    an hour and a half.

8.  ...   the circumstances it was impossible to do anything about it.

9.  Are you going to listen   . . .    music ?

10.    She was born   . . .    March 1st, 1990.

11.    My brother is good   . . .    sports.
12. I am very proud    ...   my friend.


I.Напишите цифрами дробные числа. 


1) A (one) half 2) two thirds 3) a (one) quarter 4) three fourths 5) two and a (one) half 6) five and one sixth 7) a (one) fifth.


1) Zero (nought/ou) point two 2) two point four five 3) four point five 4) three four (thirty four) point one zero two 5) nought point nought one 6) six point three five 7) fifty eight point three nought five.


I. Вставьте в предложения контрольной работы some, any или их производные somebody anything, somehow и т. д.

1. There's... milk in that jug.

2. I'm afraid there isn't... coffee Mt.

3. Is there ...one here who speaks Italia?

4. I'd like to buy... new clothes but I haven't... money.

5. Are there... letters for me?

6. I can't see my glasses… where.

7. She put her handbag down... where and now she can't find it.
8.... one can tell you how to get there (i. e. everyone knows the way).

9. Is  there...one moving about downstairs?

10. ...thing  tells me you've got... bad news for me.

11. My sister likes ...sugar in her tea, but I like a lot in mine.

12. There was still ...time before the lessons began.

13. He has ...knowledge of the subject. You'd  better ask somebody else.

14. We got… pleasure from the trip, the weather was bad all  the time.

15. Are there many vacant rooms in the hotel? -No, there are only ...

16. There is ...sunshine in this rainy place.

17. She said she wanted to buy... rice and... oranges.

18. Do many people know about this new shop? - No, only....


 Вставьте вместо точек нужное по смыслу английское местоимение.       

1. I have lost   . . .    pen, may I take   . . .    ?

2.    If you've left    ...   dictionary at home, you may take   . . .    ?

3.    These pencils are   ...     , take   . . .   if you want.

4.    Help   ...    , please.

5.          ...    often meet    ...     here.

6. He always makes dinner   . . .

7. We have very many relatives in   ...   native town.                            

8. They can do it   ...

9.          ...   of you knows his address?

10.       There is   ...   butter on the table, but there isn't    . . .    milk.


 Переведите на английский язык

Эти карандаши мои, возьмите их, если хотите.

Помогите нам, пожалуйста.

Я знаю его и его брата.

Мы часто встречаем их здесь.

Он всегда готовит завтрак сам.

У нас сегодня много работы.

На катке сегодня мало детей.

У нас мало черного хлеба на ужин.

Подождите немного, я попрошу кого-либо купить молока и хлеба.

Кто-то звонил нам сегодня и хотел что-то рассказать.

Никто ничего не знает об этом.

Она ничего не ответила.

Я никого не видел там.


 Раскройте скобки, используя соответствующую фор­му.

1. A crowd of (excite) people were watching the firemen trying to save the (hum) building.

2. "During my vacation I came across several extremely (interest) books," he said. - "Which ones?" she asked in an (interest) voice.

3. Why do you look so (worry)? - I've had a number of (worry) telephone calls lately.

4.I don't know what was in the (burn) letter. I didn't read it.

5. Nothing can save the (sink) ship now. All we can do is to try and save the passengers.

6. It was an (excite) incident. No wonder she spoke about it in an (excite) voice.

7. After hearing the (frighten) tale, the (frighten) children wouldn't go to sleep.

8. The doctor did his best to convince her that there was nothing seriously wrong with the boy, but the (worry) mother wouldn't calm down.



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