REWARD Lesson  2
I.  Phonetics.
Exercise 1. Complete the chart with the words given.
[ai] Find
[a:] large
because    night
for    folk   find
[ю] straw

fire     garden    start   time   valentine     chance
partner    warm
Exercise 2. Practice the following word combinations.
[ю] George was born in August. Her naughty daughter Maud is at fault.
[a:] Can't you ask Father or Aunt Margaret?
II.  Grammar.
Defining relative clauses - определительные относительные придаточные междометия вводятся местоимениями:
who - (кто, который - для одушевленных лиц)
A teacher is someone who teaches us at school.
that (который) - относится как к одушевленным, так и к неодушевленным предметам.
A teacher is someone that teaches us at school.
A subway is a railway that runs and the ground.
Наречие where:
They came to the house where I lived.
Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with who, which/that or where.
1.    A hot is something    you wear on your head.
2.    A postoffice is a place    you can post letters.
3.    Ajournalist is someone    writes for a newspaper.
4.    A folk museum is a museum    you can see historic items.
5.    I know someone    speak five languages.
6.    Pilots are people    fly planes.
7.    Let's go    we went last week.
8.    St Valentine's Day is an event    is celebrated on 14 February.
Exercise 4. Replace that with who or which in the following sentences.
1.    A language teacher is someone that/who teachers us languages.
2.    I like words that/    sound nice.
3.    Have you got the message that/    I left for you?
4.    A newsagent is a person that/    sells newspapers.
5.    An L-Driver is someone that/    is learning to Drive.
6.    A cashpoint is a machine that/    gives money to bank
Exercise 5. Write definitions for those words.
kitchen. Kitchen is the peace where I cook my meals.
history teacher    
Exercise 6. Complete these sentences so that they are true for you. Use who, which, that.
1.1 know someone    
2.    I've got a friend    
3.    I've never been to a country    
4.1 know a place    
5.1 don't like cars    
6. I've never had a holiday    
III.  Reading Activity
Перевод текста

Topical Vocabulary
to provide (give) a chance    предоставить (дать) шанс
to be interested in smth., in doing smth.    интересоваться чем-то,
to admire (admirer)
Valentine card
to go (be) sale
to decorate with flags
on the eve of
celebrate (v)
обожать (обожатель)
зд. поверья
до нашей эры
фестиваль, праздник
"валентинка" (открытка ко
дню св. Валентина)
появиться (быть) в продаже
украшать флагами
праздновать, отмечать
праздник (праздничная
firework look like succeed (v)
выглядеть как ...
Text 1. St Valentine's Day Task 1. Read, compare and analyse the text.
St Valentine's Day is celebrated on 14th February. Today, St Valentine's Day provides a chance to let someone know you are interested in them, or for a secret admirer to declare his or her love to you.
Our present-day Valentine customs come from a mixture of pagan and Christian I tradition and ancient folk beliefs. St Valentine was probably a priest killed on I4th February in the time of the Roman Emperor Claudius in the third century AD. He became known as the saint of lovers because he performed forbidden marriage ceremonies for Roman soliders.
But the Romans had celebrated I4th February for centuries as Lupercalia. This was a fertility festival when young people tried to find a partner.
День Святого Валентина
День Святого Валентина отмечается 14 февраля. Сегодня, День Св. Валентина, дает возможность кому-либо узнать, что им интересуются, или тайному обожателю признаться вам в своей любви.
Сегодняшние обычаи для Валентина - это смешение языческой и христианской традиции и древних народных поверий. Возможно, св. Валентин был священником, убитым 14 февраля, во времена римского императора Клавдия в 3 века до н.э. Он стал известен как святой влюбленных, т.к. совершал запрещенные брачные церемонии для римских солдат.
Однако римляне на протяжении веков праздновали 14 февраля как Lupercalia. Это был праздник плодородия, когда молодые люди питались найти себе пару.
Task 2. Go on translating the text.
In one eighteenth-century Valentine custom, a man chose a girl's name from a hat. The name he chose gave the name of his future wife and he wore the name pinned to his shirt sleeve for the next few days.
Task 3. And now try to translate the text into English.
Первая известная "валентика" была отправлена в 1415 г., когда французский герцог, заточенный в лондонском Тауэре, послал первое любовное письмо в стихах своей жене. "Валентинки" впервые появились в продаже в начале 19 века.
These words will    help you
duke    герцог
to be locked    быть заточенным
rhyming love-letter    любовное письмо

Exercise 7. Answer the questions.
1.    Have you ever celebrated St Valentine's Day?
2.    Have you ever received an anonymous card from a secret admirer?
3.    Do you send Valentine cards to those you are interested in?
4.    Do you send rhyming love letters?
5.    Are Valentine cards on sale in our country?
Exercise 8. Write what you have and haven't done on St Valentine's.
I havel           I haven't    
Exercise 9. Put a tick (V) by the statements which are true.
1.    You are fond of holidays.    □
2.    St Valentines Day is a modern holiday.    □
3.    Important events are usually celebrated with fireworks.    □
4.    The celebration of a New Year starts early in the morning.    □
5.    On public holidays the cities have never been decorated
with flags.    □
6.    On the eve of April's Fools Day we go to a picnic.    □
Exercise 10. Correct the false statements in ex. 9.
Exercise 11. Match the sentences 1-6 with the words a-f.
1.    These days we are    the Victory Day.        a) custom
2.    This event always starts with    .    b) is interested in
3.    New Year eve    to greet those you love,  c) fireworks
4.    It's a good    to decorete the city with
flags on important events.    d) celebrating
5.    are the place where young people
try to find a parter.    e) fail
6. Unfortunately the plan of Guy Fawks    .    f) provides a chance
Exercise  12. Make sentences interrogative and negative.
1.    We've celebrated the Victory Day since 1945.
2.    On public events we have fireworks in gardens and parks.
3.    April's Fools Day provides a chance to joke at our friends.
4.    It has become a good custom with our family to celebrate a New Year at home.
Exercise 13. Translate into English.
1.    Больше всего я люблю праздновать Новый Год.
2.    Обычно накануне дня рождения мамы, мы украшает дом цветами.
3.    Любой праздник дает нам возможность вспомнить того, кого мы любим.
4.    Этот фестиваль проводится каждый год, начиная с 1980 г.
5.    Существует хороший обычай встречать гостей хлебом-солью.
Exercise 14. Make a list of important events in your town or country.
Exercise 15. Choose your favourite event and complete the chart with more information.

What's it called?

When does it take place?
Where does it take place?
How long has it been celebrated?


What happens?
Is it a public holiday?
Are there other interesting features?    
Exercise 16. Write about favourite event or festival.
Text 2.  Divided by a common language?
George Bernard Shaw said that America and Britain were two nations divided by a common language. But how different is British English from American English? Some British and American people gave their definitions for some common words.

New words
to divide (v), division
definition (n)
define (v)
make smth./smb. do smb.
to be made of  ..
traffic lights
car park
candy (A.E.)
разделять (разделение)
заставить что/кого-то
сделать что-нибудь
список, перечень
сделано из   ..
газ (А.Е.), топливо (В.Е.)
майка (А.Е.), жилетка (В.Е.)
чек (А.Е.), банкнота (В.Е.)
место для парковки машин
конфеты, сладости
Task 3.  Read compare and analyse the text and the translation of the definitions for American English. (A.E.)

A.E.        B.E.
Something that you burn for heat-ing and cooking.    gas    Something you put in your car to make it go.
A school which is private.    public school    A school that is open to every¬one.
A path which passes under a road.    sub-way    A railway which runs under the ground.
Something you wear under your trousers.    pants    Something which you wear to cover your legs, over your un-derpants.
Clothing which you wear under your shirt.    vest    Clothing that you wear over your shirt and under you jacket.
A list of things that you have bought or eaten in a restaurant and which tells you how much to pay.    bill    Money which is made of paper.
Long sticks of potato which you cook in deep oil and eat hot with a meal.    chips    Very thin slices of fried potato which you eat cold before a meal or as a snack.
Confused? British and American English have lots of words which look the same but have different meanings. Nobody ever gets into serious trouble if they make a mistake, although you may get a strange look if you ask for the wrong clothes. Most of the differences between British English and American English are minor and are only concerned with vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation. You can usually understand what words mean from the context. Good luck (British English) or break a leg (American English)!
Перевод текста
Разделенные  общим  языком?
Джорж Бернард Шоу сказал, что Америка и Британия - это две нации, разделенные общим языком. Но насколько британский английский отличается от американского английского? Несколько британцев и американцев дали свои определения некоторым общим словам.

Современный  Гуманитарный Университет
Современный  Гуманитарный Университет

Task 4. Try translate in written the definitions for British English (B.E.).
Британский английский
Американский английский
То, что вы сжигаете для ото-пления и приготовления пищи.
Частная школа
Проход, который проходит под дорогой.

B.E.                             A.E.                                  Definition
    drugstore    A shop where you can buy medicine, beauty products, school supplies, small things to eat.
    main street    The street in a town where all the shops are.
    stop lights    Lights which control the traffic.
    faucet    Something you turn on and off to control water in a bath or a basin.
    elevator    A device which carries people from one floor to another in a building.


Удивлены? В британском и американском английском много слов, схожих по написанию, но имеющих разное значение. Однако, никто никогда серьезно не беспокоится, если делает ошибку когда выполняет контрольную работу по английскому языку, хотя на вас могут странно посмотреть, если вы попросите не ту одежду.
Большинство различий между британским и американским английским незначительны и касаются словаря, написания и происхождения. Обычно вы можете понять значения слов из контекста. Успеха (британский английский) или споткнитесь (американский английский).
Exercise 17. Write British English words for the definitions below.
То, что вы одеваете под брю¬ки.
Предмет одежды, который вы носите под рубашкой.
Список вещей, которые вы ку-пили или съели в ресторане, и который говорит вам о том, сколько вы должны заплатить.
Длинные дольки картофеля, приготовленные в масле, ко-торые едят горячими с каким-либо блюдом.

Exercise 18. Match the A.E. words with the B.E. words in the columns below.
bill    lift
chips    trousers
druggist    car park
gas    state school
main street    traffic light
vest    underground
pants    waistcoat
stop light    chemist
parking lot    chips
subway    single ticket
public school    high street
elevator    bank note
candy    petrol
one-way ticket    sweets/chocolate
round-trip ticket    return ticket
Have fun!
At the lecture in economics the lecture mentioned that in some parts of the world the number of men was larger than that of women, and he added humourously:
"I can recommend the ladies to emigrate to that part of the world:
A young lady who was sitting in one of the last rows stood up full of anger. She was leaving the room rather noisily, when the lecturer remarked:
"I don't mean that it must be done in such a hurry as that".

B.E.    A.E.    Definition
    druggist    Someone who sells medicine in a shop.
    parking lot    A place where you park the car.

Think of Russian equivalents to:
* Out of sight out of mind.




*    The highest art is artlessness.
*    Extreems meet.

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