Готовая контрольная по английскому языку


I. Раскройте скобки, употребив формы Present Indefinite или Present Continuous: 

1. Guckoos (not, build) nests. They (use) the nests of other birds.

2.    He usually (drink) coffee but today he (drink) tea.

3. I shan't go out now as it (rain) and I (not, have got) an umbrella.

 4. Tom can't read the newspaper now because his mother (read) it.

 5.I always buy lottery tickets but I never (win) anything.

6.     Tom and Ann (have) a long conversation. I (wonder) what they (talk) about.

7.     You (believe) all that the newspapers say ? - No, I (not, believe) any of it. - Then why you (read) newspapers?

8.     You (hear) the wind? It (blow) very strongly.

9.     Have you seen my car keys anywhere? - No, I (look) for them but I (not, see) them.

10.She always (borrow) from me and never (remember) to pay me back.


КЛЮЧ:1)don’t build,use; 2)drinks, is drinking; 3)is raining, haven’t; 4)is reading; 5)win; 6)have, wonder, are tolking; 7)Do you belive, don’t belive, are you reading; 8)are you hearing, is blowing; 9)am looking, am not seeing; 10)borrows, remembers


II. Раскройте скобки, употребив формы Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous. 

1. We (walk) ten kilometres.

2.     We (walk) for three hours.

3.     I'm on a diet, I (eat) nothing but apples for the whole week.

4.     He (sleep) since ten o'clock. It's time he woke up.

5.     The students (work) very well this term.

6.     I (work) with him for ten years and he never (say) "Good morn­ing" to me.

7.     You (hear) the news? Tom and Ann are engaged!

8.     How many baskets of apples you (pick)? It seems to me you (to pick) them for 3 hours already.

9.     You (see) my bag anywhere? I (look) for it for half an hour.

КЛЮЧ:1) have walked; 2)have been walking; 3)have been eating; 4)has slept; 5)have worked; 6)have been workinh, has said; 7)Have you heard; 8)have you picked, have been picking; 9)Have you seen, have been looking 


III. Переведите предложения, употребив нужную форму гла­гола в настоящем времени.


1. Этот переводчик с английского работает на заводе.    


2. Наша учительница говорит (разговаривает) свободно на английском и немецком языках.


3. Он ждет, пока я закончу выполнять контрольную работу на ангглийском языке.

IV. Дополните следующие предложения, выбрав соответст­ вующие обстоятельства времени из правой колонки.


1. We are having a test                                    a) every lesson

b)     for two days

c)      now

2. We have tests                                              a) very offen

b)  for two hours

c)      lately

3. We have had a test                                      a) today

b)     usually

c)      every day

4. We have been having a test                        a) since 5 o'clock

b)    righ now

c)     at 5 o'clock


КЛЮЧ:1)c; 2)a; 3)a; 4)a


V. Выберите из правой колонки временную форму глагола, кото­рую уместно употребить при переводе следующих предложений.


1.Он готовится к экзамену сейчас.                    a) is revising 

b)  revises

c)      has been revising

2.Я ищу вас уже час.                                    a) look for

b)    am looking for

c)     have been looking for

3.Я учусь в университете.                           a) am studing at

b)  have been studing

c)      study


КЛЮЧ:1)a; 2)c; 3)c;


VI. Выберите из правой колонки те формы глагола, которые необходимо употребить при переводе следующих предложений.

1.  Я закончил школу в прошлом году.              a ) have left

b)     left

c)      had left


  2. Я изучал немецкий язык 2 года                 a) had been tuding
    прежде чем поехал в Германию.                  b) had studied

с) have been studing


3. Она не очень хорошо спала                         a) didn't sleep

b) hasn't slept


 4. Шел дождь, когда я вышел на                  a) rained
     улицу.                                                            b) was raining

с) has been raining


КЛЮЧ:1)b; 2)a; 3)b; 4)с


VII. Раскройте скобки, употребив одно из прошедших времен (the Past Indefinite или the Past Continuous).

1.   He (have) a bath when the phone rang. Very unwillingly he (get) out of the bath and (go) to answer it.

2.   He suddenly realized that he (travel) in the wrong direction.

3.   You looked very busy when I met you last night. What you (do)?

4.   The boys (play) cards when they (hear) their father's steps. They immediately (hide) the cards and (take) out their text-books.

5.   He (not, allow) us to go out in the boat yesterday as strong wind (blow).

6.   When I (hear) the knock I (go) to the door and (open) it, but I (not, recognize) him at first because he (wear) dark glasses.

7.When I came in they (sit) round the table. Mr. and Mrs. Brown (watch) TV, Kate (knit), the others (read). Mrs. Brwn (smile) at me and (say), "Come and sit down".


КЛЮЧ:1)was having, got, went; 2)was travelling; 3)were you doing; 4)were playing, heard, hid, took; 5)didn’t allow, was blowing; 6)heard, went, opened,didn’t recognize, was wearing; 7)were sitting, were watching, was knitting, were reading, smiled, said


VIII. Раскройте скобки, употребив одно из прошедших времен (the Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous).

1.     He already (park) the car when I arrived.

2.     He (drive) all day, so he was very tired when he arrived.
3. I  (finish) cleaning the car before one o'clock.

4. What you (do) in the garden before I came.

5. I (live) in Germany before I came to  Russia.

6. They already (write) a letter when the light went down.

7. Last year the plant (fulfil) the plan by the end of November.

8. The train (not, arrive) yet by that time.

9. The child (sleep) for an hour before we came.


КЛЮЧ:1)had already parked; 2)had been driving; 3)had finished; 4)had been doing,; 5) had lived; 6)had written; 7) had fulfilled; 8) hadn’t arrived; 9) had been sleeping


 IX. Переведите предложения, употребив нужную форму гла­гола прошедшего времени.

1.        Он поступил в университет       а) в прошлом году

                         b) после того, как поработал на заводе


2.        Он написал доклад                    а) вчера

             b) прежде чем идти на собрание


3.        Он сломал ногу                          а) когда был ребенком

  b) и не смог принимать участие в соревнованиях


4.        Он прехал в Минск                    а) к 2 часам

   b) 2 часа тому назад


X. Выберите из правой колонки ту видо-временную форму глагола, которую уместно употребить при переводе следующих предложений.


1.Она уберет квартиру к их приезду

a) will clean

b)will be cleaning

c)will have cleaned


2.Ему потребуется полчаса, чтобы добраться до университета

a) takes.

b) will take

с) will have taken


3. Мой друг будет учителем через 2 года

a) will be

b)     will have been



4. Я буду готовиться к контрольной в 5 часов

a) prepare

b)  shall be preparing

c)shall prepare


XI.  Раскройте скобки, употребив формы Future Indefinite Tense или Future Continuous.

1. I can't understand this letter. -I (call) my son. He (translate) it for you.

2.     What you (do) when you grow up? -I (be) a pilot.

3.     This time next month I (sit) on a beach.

4.  In a few days time we (go) to London.

5.     That tree makes the house very dark. - Very well, I (cut) it down.

6.     My brother has just returned from America. - Oh, good, we (ask) him to our next party.

7.     I'll come at six o'clock. - Good, I (wait) for you.

8.     You look frozen. Sit down by the fire and I (make) you a cup of tea.

9.     Don't ring her at 9. She (put) her children to bed. Ring up later.

10.    My son (be) in the fifth form next year. That means that he (learn) English.

11. I (know) the results in some days.


КЛЮЧ:1)shall call, will translate; 2)will you be doing, shall be; 3) shall be sitting; 4)shall go; 5)shall cut; 6)shal ask; 7) shall be waiting; 8) shall make; 9) will be putting; 10) will be, will learn; 11) shall learn 


XII. Раскройте скобки, употребив формы Future Perfect или Future Perfect Continuous,

1. I (finish) this book by tomorrow evening.

2. By next winter I (save) the necessary sum of money.
3. I (translate) the article for an hour before you come.

4.    By the end of January he (work) at the University for 10 years.

5.    On September 26 they (be married) for twenty-five years.

6.    By the end of the month we (live) in this house for two years.

7.    If I continue with my diet I (lose) 10 kilos by the end of the month.

8.    The train (leave) before we reach the station.


КЛЮЧ:1)shall have finished; 2)shall have saved; 3)shall have; 4)will have been working; 5)will have been  being married; 6)shall have been living;7)shall have lost;8)will have left; 


XIII. Переведите предложения, употребив нужную форму гла­гола будущего времени.

1.Я буду работать в библиотеке (завтра, завтра с 2 до 3)

2.Мой друг будет читать (прочитает) книгу (через несколько дней, к вечеру )

3.Он сдаст экзамены (к трем часам завтра, на следующей неделе)

4.Вы будете слушать свою любимую музыку (завтра в 2 часа завтра)

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