Деловая корреспонденция на английском языке.

Данный блок поможет правильно выполнить контрольную по английскому языку, основной темой которой является деловая корреспонденция.

 Block style
There are many ways to lay out a business letter. The letters from Intercity Bank are examples of a moden way, called «block style». Notice:
-    the name and address of the addressee are at the top on the left (the addressee is the person you are writing to);
-    the date is on the right;
-    there is no punctuation in the address or after «Yours faithfully/sincerely» or «Dear...»;
-    the paragraphs start at the margin and there are line spaces between them;
-    the writer's name and title are under the signature.
In this unit, you will also see some other ways of laying out business letters, but «block style' is the most useful to learn because it is accepted everywhere.
Note: «pp» means «in the place off»

Study section 1: letter layout, the date, opening/closing a letter, subject headings.
1.1.  Letter layout
Look at these two letters.
1.    What can you notice about the layout of the paragraphs?
2.    Is there any punctuation in the addresses?
3.    What differences are there between the following letters?

Letter 1    
58 Jalan Thamrin

· Jakarta

· Indonesia

Telephone 376018 

· Telex 6756

Prapatan Office Supplies    Your ref:

7 Jalan Prapatan    Our ref: PL/da/246
Jakarta    12 January 1997
Dear Sirs
We are expanding our offices in Jakarta and we will need extra desks, lights, chairs and filing cabinets.
Please send us your catalogue with your prices, sizes and colours for these items.
Yours faithfully Mr Peter Long Manager

Letter 2
58 Jalan Thamrin


· Jakarta

· Indonesia

Telephone 376018 

· Telex 6756

Mr S Basuki

Jakarta Furnishings
7 Jalan Arjuna    Your ref:
Jakarta    Our ref: PL/fh/246
12 January 1987 Dear Mr Basuki
Office furniture
We are expanding our offices in Jakarta and we will need extra desks, lights, chairs and filing cabinets.
Please send us your catalogue with your prices, sizes and colours for these items.
Yours sincerely pp. Mr Peter Long Manager

Dear Sirs    - to a company
Dear Sir    - to a man if you do not know his name
Dear Madam    - to a woman if you do not know her name
Dear Mr Smith    - to a man
Dear Mrs Smith    - to a married woman
Dear Miss Smith    - to an unmarried woman
Dear Ms Smith    - to a married or unmarried woman
Dear John    - to a friend or someone you know well
Note: It is wrong to open a letter with «Dear Mr John» or «Dear Mr Jonn Smith».
The way you close a letter depends on how you open it:
-Yours faithfully -Yours sincerely - Best wishes
Dear Sirs/Sir/Madam Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Smith Dear John
The Manageress Bells Supermarket 76 Oxford Road Bath BA2 5HD
Trufit Shoe Co. 841 Pacific St Los Angeles
Mrs H Cheng 5 Hatton Read Hong Kong

Best wishes Peter
a) Dear Mrs Wilson
Yours faithfully Richard Sanders
Yours sincerely Senaa Al Jalahmal
c)    Dear Ms Hemsuchi
d)    Dear Susanna
e)    Dear Mr Gonzalez
f)    Dear David
g)    Dear Sirs


Lesson 2
Text 1. The main types of economic systems
Task 1.  Прочтите текст на английском языке и переведите его.

An economic system is the method society uses to allocate its resources (land, labour, capital, and entrepreneurship) to satisfy its needs. What distinguishes one economic system from another is the control of the factors of production and the interaction of business, government and consumers. In the modern world there are three main types of economic systems: capitalism (or pure capitalism), mixed capitalism and communism (socialism).
Capitalism (or pure capitalism, or a market economy), is an economic system where the factors of production are in private hands and economic decisions are made freely according to the market forces of supply and demand. In this system the economic questions of
-    What is to be produced?
-    How much will be produced?
-    Who will produce it?
-    How much will it cost?
-    Who will get it?
In pure capitalism the two factors of supply and demand will balance each other in such a way that some middle ground called an equilibrium price will be achieved. Producers will make as many units of a product as consumers are willing to purchase at the price producers must charge to make a reasonable profit.
In pure capitalism the government takes a laissez-faire, or hands-off, approach and does not interfere in the economic system. Producers make as much as they can sell and consumers buy as much as they can afford.
In this system the marketplace is regulated by the interaction of the buyers and producers.
A system of mixed capitalism is based on a market economy with limited government involvement.
Im mixed capitalism the government has two economic tools: the power to tax and the power to spend. By taxing individuals and businesses it acquires funds to provide essential public programs: defense, education, transportation, and social services. In turn the money spent for these services creates more demand for the goods and services produced by businesses.
In addition, the government has become involved in the economic system through:
-    government-owned entities,
-    government agencies that regulate the activities of some businesses;
-    government involvement in employer-employee relations, for example, setting a minimum wage and initiating programs to create jobs for the unemployed.
Another economic system is communism under which the government controls the factors of production, hand, labour and capital are under the control of the government and entrepreneurship is supplied by the government. As a result, all the economic decisions about production, distribution are made by the government. It decides what will be produced, who will produce it, how many units will be made, how much it will cost and who will receive it. Supply and demand and competition have no influence in this system. Central government planners make all the economic decisions about production and resource allocation.

Перевод текста:  Основные типы экономических систем
Экономическая система - это метод, который общество использует для распределения своих ресурсов (земли, труда, капитала и предпринимательской способности) в целях удовлетворения потребностей. Что отличает одну экономическую систему от другой -контроль над факторами производства и взаимодействие бизнеса, правительства и потребителей. В современном мире существуют три
основных типа экономических систем:  капитализм  (или  чистый капитализм), смешанный капитализм и коммунизм (социализм).
Капитализм (или чистый капитализм, или рыночная экономика) представляет собой экономическую систему, в которой факторы производства находятся в частных руках, а экономические решения принимаются свободно согласно рыночным законам спроса и предложения. В этой системе экономические вопросы:
-    Что нужно производить?
-    Сколько производить?
-    Кому производить?
-    Сколько это будет стоить?
-    Кто это получит? определяются рынком потребителей.
При чистом капитализме два фактора - предложение и спрос -балансируют между собой до тех пор, пока не будет достигнута некая середина, которая называется равновесной ценой. Производители выпустят столько продукции, сколько потребитель сможет купить по цене, при которой производители получат значительную прибыль.
При чистом капитализме правительство проводит политику невмешательства и не вмешивается в экономическую систему. Производители выпускают столько, сколько могут продать, а покупатели приобретают столько, сколько могут позволить себе купить.
В этой системе рынок регулируется взаимодействием покупателя и продавца.
Система смешанного капитализма основана на рыночной экономике с ограниченным вмешательством правительства.
При смешанном капитализме у правительства есть два политических инструмента: способность облагать налогами и способность их тратить. При налогообложении физических лиц и предприятий оно приобретает фонды для осуществления основных общественных программ: оборонных, образовательных, транспортных и социальных. В свою очередь расходы на эти цели создают большой спрос на производимые товары и услуги.
В дополнение правительство вмешивается в экономику через:
-    принадлежащие правительству компании;
-    правительственные организации, которые регулируют
деятельность некоторых предприятий;
-    правительственное регулирование отношений работодателей и
рабочих, например, установление минимальной оплаты и инициативных
программ по созданию рабочих мест.
Иная экономическая система коммунизм, при котором правительство контролирует факторы производства. Земля, труд и капитал находятся под контролем правительства и предпринимательская инициатива исходит от правительства, а в результате     все     экономические     решения     о     производстве, распределении, потреблении и частной деятельности принимаются правительством. Оно решает, что будет произведено, сколько будет стоить и кто получит продукцию. Спрос, предложение и конкуренция не имеют влияния в этой системе. Централизованные государственные планирующие органы принимают все экономические решения о производстве и распределении ресурсов.

Переведите текст с английского на русский язык
The  Factors of Production
The private enterprise system, as do all economic systems, requires resources for its business to produce goods and services. The resources used to provide goods and services are the factors of production: land, labour, capital and entrepreneurship. These four factors are blended together by a business to produce goods and services.
Task 3. Try to translate the text into English. Рассматривая мировые экономические системы сегодняшнего дня, вы обнаружите, что не существует примеров чистого капитализма или чистого коммунизма. Большинство экономических систем сгруппировано в центре континуума (continuum), который растянулся от частного предпринимательства и рыночной экономики при чистом капитализме до полной общественной собственности при коммунизме.
Use the words and expressions
to examine an economic system исследовать (изучать) экономическую

economic-tools the power to tax the power to spend

to discover                         узнавать, обнаруживать, раскрывать
to stretch from ... to           простираться от ... до
public ownership               общественная собственность
Topical Vocabulary
an economic system    экономическая система
a type of economic system    тип экономической системы
land (n)    земля
labour (n)    труд
capital (n)    капитал
entrepreneurship (n)    предпринимательство,
to satisfy the needs of society    удовлетворять общественные
pure capitalism    чистый капитализм, капитализм
    свободной конкуренции
a market economy    рыночная экономика
factors of production    факторы производства
means of production    средства производства
to be in private hands    быть в частных руках,
    находиться в частной
market forces of supply    рыночные силы (законы)
and demand    спроса и предложения
consumers (n)    потребители
an equilibrium price    равновесная  цена
the relationship of supply    отношения спроса и
and demand    предложения
producers (n)    производители
marketplace (n)    рынок
to be regulated by the interaction    регулироваться
of the buyers and producers    и покупателей
at the price    по цене
mixed capitalism    смешанный капитализм
involvement (non-involvement)    вмешательство
    (невмешательство) в
in economic life    жизнь
экономические инструменты право облагать налогом право тратить, расходовать

to tax individuals
to acquire funds
to provide public programs
defense (n) education (n)
облагать налогом отдельных (физических) лиц приобретать средства (фонды) обеспечивать выполнение общественных программ оборона образование
to create demand for goods      создавать спрос на товары и услуги
and services
to produce goods and services производить товары и услуги
to regulate the activities    регулировать деятельность
of businesses    предприятий
employer - employe relations   отношения между работодателями и
to set a minimum wage
to create jobs for the
to be under control of smb.
работающими по найму устанавливать минимальную заработную плату создавать рабочие места для безработных быть под контролем кого-либо
to make decisions about smth    принимать решения о чем-либо
distribution    распределение
consumption    потребление
to have no influence in    не иметь влияния в ...
resource allocation    распределение ресурсов
in/under capitalism (communism) при капитализме (коммунизме)
Exercise 1. Practice the following words and word combinations from the text:
[@v] factors of production, interaction of business, types of systems, wealth of nations.
the 2factors of .pro\duction
the 2control of the \factors
The 2control of the 2factorsof .pro\duction
Exercise 2.   Use new vocabulary:
1.    An economic system is the method that society uses to     to satisfy its needs, (распределять ресурсы)
2.    What distingueshes one economic system from another is the     (контроль над факторами производства).
3.    Under capitalism the factors of production are    (в
частной собственности).
4   Mixed capitalism is based on a    with limited
government    . (рыночная экономика, вмешательство).
5. In mixed capitalism the government has two economic tools:
    (право облагать налогом и право тратить деньги)
6.    Only the government is entitled to    . (устанавливать
минимальную оплату труда).
7.    Under communism all    by the government.
(экономические решения принимаются).
Exercise 3. Answer the questions:
1.    What is an economic system?
2.    What distinguishes an economic system from another one?
3.    What types of economic systems do you know?
4   In whose hands are the factors of production in capitalism?
5.    Who  makes economic decisions under capitalism?  Does the marketplace have influence on them?
6.    Which is the difference between pure and mixed capitalism?
7.    What is mixed capitalism as an economic system based on?
8.    Which economic tools does the government have in mixed capitalism?
9.    How is the government involved in the economic system under mixed capitalism?

10.    Who controls the factors of production under communism?
11.    Who makes economic decisions about production, distribution and consumption under communism?
12.    What kind of society is Russia building now?
Exercise 4. Translate into English
1.    Экономическая  система - это  метод,  который  общество использует для своих ресурсов.
2.    При капитализме факторы производства находятся в частных руках.
3.    При чистом  капитализме правительство не вмешивается  в экономическую систему.
4.    В этой системе рынок регулируется взаимодействием покупателя
и продавца.


5.    При смешанном капитализме у правительства есть два политических инструмента: способность облагать налогами и способность их тратить.
6.    Правительство осуществляет регулирование отношений работодателей и рабочих.
7.    При коммунизме предпринимательская инициатива исходит от правительства.
8.    Спрос, предложение и конкуренция не имеют влияния в этой системе.
Exercise 5. Agree or disagreee with the following statements:
1.    In capitalism economic decisions are made by the government.
2.    In capitalism the marketplace is regulated by the interaction of the bueyrs and producers.
3.    Communism is based on a market economy.
4 Mixed capitalism is an economic system with limited government involvement.
5.    In communism the government controls the factors of production.
6.    Supply, demand and competition have no influence in capitalism.
Exercise 6.    Insert prepositions where necessary.
1.    In the modern world there are threee types    economic systems.
2.    The factors    produciton are    private hands.
3.    Consumers are willing to purchase    a reasonable price.
4  The market place is regulated    the interaction    the buyers and
5.    The money spent    these services creates more demand     the
goods and services produced    businesses.
6.    The government is involved    the economic system.
7  Hand, labour and capital are    control of the government.
8. Government planners make all the decisions    production and
resource allocation.

Study section 2: parts of a letter, beginning a letter, ending a letter. 2.1.  Parts of a letter
Most letters have three parts:
1.    Look back at 1.1 and 1.2. Find the three parts in each letter. Each part
is usually a separate paragraph but the main message can be more than one
paragraph if you are writing about more than one subject.
An opening    This says why you are writing.
The main message This gives the details.
The close    This usually talks about the future.
Yours faithfully/sincerely etc.
2.    Look at 1.1 and 1.2 again. Which letter has more than one paragraph
in the main message? What is the subject of each paragraph?
2.2.  Beginning  a  letter
Here are some ways to begin a letter:
We are writing to enquire about...
We are writing in connection with ...
We are interested in ... and we would like to know ...
1. How would you start these letters?
a)    You want to know the prices of some air conditioners.
b)    You saw an advertisement in the newspaper yesterday and you want further information.
c)    You want to know if the company you are writing to organises holidays to Africa.
If you are answering a letter, you can start:

Thank you for your letter of (date),    asking it...
We have received your letter of (date),    enquiring about...
2. How would you start your reply in these situations? a) A company wrote to you on 23 July. They wanted to know if you sell photocopiers.

b)    A man wrote to you on 18 December. He wanted employment with your company. He also sent his curriculum vitae.
c)    A company sent you a telex on 3 June. They wanted to know if you were going to the marketing conference in London.
d)    A lady telephoned you this morning. She wanted to know if her order No. 599 had arrived.
2.3.  Ending a letter
Here are some ways to end a letter:
I   look   forward   to   receiving   your   reply/order/products/etc. Looking forward to hearing from you
If you gave some information in the letter, you can close:
I hope that this information will help you.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information
Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.
2.4.  Letter practice
Here are the main messages from four letters. Choose the correct beginning and ending from sentences (a)-(h) and then add «Yours faithfully/ sincerely» or «Best wishes».
Dear Sir
We are happy to tell you that the above mentioned company has always paid our bills on time. We have never had any problems with them.
R. J. Smith Manager
Dear Mr Hugo
We sell three kinds of water heaters. The prices are DJ1 450 (150 litres), DJ1 680 (200 litres) and DJ1 740 (250 litres). I enclose some brochures.
Jan van Oos Sales Department


Dear Peter
I was sorry that I was not in the office when you rang, but here is the information that you wanted. The address of our branch in Singapore is 54 Liu Fang Rd, Jurong Town, Singapore 2262. The manager is Mr S. Rushford.
John Blaks

Dear Ms Wilson
I would be very happy to meet you in my office on the day you suggested.
1 August at 11 a.m.
F. G. Bending
Representative, South East Asia
a)    Thank you for your telephone call today, enquiring about our prices.
b)    Looking forward to seeing you,
c)    Thank you for your letter of 16 February, concerning Arabian Electronics.
d)    I look forward to receiving your order.
e)    Thank you for your telephone call today.
f)    Thank you for your telex of 18 July, concerning your forthcoming visit to Hong Kong.
g)    I hope that this information will help you.
h) Please feel free to contact me if you need any information about our other branches.
2.5.   Letter  practice
1) Write a letter to Data Services Ltd, 57 West Road, Paxton, PX3 7JA. You want a word processor and you would like to know if they rent them. You need ar small machine with a very good quality printer.
Follow this plan:

·    Dear...

·    Open the letter. Say what you are writing about.

·    Tell them exactly what you need.

·    Close the letter.

·Yours ...

·    Sign it with your name and title (Office Manager).


2) You are the Personnel Manager at the Provincial Assurance Co. You have received this letter from Miriam Montilla. Write back to her and ask her to send you her curriculum vitae (CV) so that you can review her experience.
Follow this plan:



·    Open the letter. Say what you are writing about.

·    Ask her to send you her CV (Please could you ...). Tell her why you want it.

·    Close the letter.

·    Yours ...

·    Sign it with your name and title (Personnel Manager).

The Personnel Manager Provincial Assurance Co Ave. de la Reforma 456 Mexico D. F.
Calle Dia 2361
Jardines del Bosque
Sec. Juarez
8 September 1987
Dear Sir
I am writing to enquire if there are any vacancies in your office for a bilingual secretary (Spanish-English).
I have over ten years' experience in office work, including four years with the National Bank of Mexico. At present, I am working for Automobiles Mexicanos in Guadalajara but I will soon move to Mexico City to live.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully Ms Miriam Montilla
Have fun!
A good piece of advice*
A blushing young man is choosingan engagement ring. He decides on one and says to the jeweller: "I want you to engrave inside this one "From George to Doras".
The jeweller said: "If you take my advice sir, you will just have "From George".
*- piece of advice - совет
- engagement ring - обручальное кольцо

Think of Russian equivalents:
    A good beginning makes a good ending»    
    No sweet without some sweat.        
    Where there is a will there is a way.        


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