Югорский государственный университет. Контрольные работы по английскому.
Федеральное агентство по образованию
Югорский государственный университет
Гуманитарный факультет
Кафедра иностранных языков
Буйко А. В.
Учебно-методические указания
для студентов заочной формы обучения
по выполнению контрольной работы
Дисциплина иностранный язык (английский)
Специальность 140211 – Электроснабжение
Курс 1
Семестр 2
Учебный год 2008-2009
Методические указания
1. Содержание теоретического материала.
Для выполнения контрольной работы по английскому языку следует изучить теоретический материал, соответствующий номеру контрольной работы. Контрольные работы выполняются в той последовательности, в ко-торой они даны в настоящем пособии.
Контрольная работа представляет собой грамматико-лексический тест, в котором содержится ба-зовая грамматика по английскому языку.
Имя числительное. Количественные и порядковые числительные.
Местоимение. Личные местоимения (в именительном и объектном падеже). Притяжательные ме-стоимения. Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений. Указательные местоимения. Воз-вратные местоимения. Вопросительные местоимения. Неопределенные местоимения (any, some, no, every, much, many, few, little, a few, a little). Производные местоимения от some, any, no, every. Местоимение one. Местоимение it. Местоимение none.
Глагол. Употребление в настоящем неопределенном времени (The Present Indefinite Tense / Present Simple): а) для выражения обычных, повторяющихся, постоянных действий, происходящих регу-лярно в рамках настоящего времени, но не соотнесенного с моментом речи (I usually go to work by bus); б) для выражения действия, соотнесенного с моментом речи, но с глаголами, которые в про-долженных временах обычно не употребляется (глаголы типа know, want, understand / I don`t understand you / He doesn`t want to go there); в) для выражения действий, которые произойдут в ближайшем будущем, если они запланированы, произойдут согласно программе, расписанию, и т.д. (When does the train leave?); г) для выражений будущих действий в придаточных времени и условиях (We won`t go skiing if the weather is cold. He will call you when he comes).
Употребление в прошедшем неопределенном времени (The Past Indefinite Tense / Past Simple): а) для обозначения действий, которые происходили в прошлом и не имеют связи с настоящим (Last summer Kate and George visited Spain); б) для обозначения действий, которые происходили в тече-ние некоторого времени в прошлом (It rained all day yesterday); в) для обозначения последователь-ных действий в прошлом (He came into the room, took off his coat and put it on the chair). Употребле-ние конструкций used to + infinitive и would + infinitive для обозначения повторяющихся действий в прошлом или постоянно имевших место действий в прошлом (We used to swim a lot when we lived in Los Angeles).
Употребление в будущем неопределенном времени (The Future Indefinite Tense / Future Simple) для выражения действий, которые произойдут в будущем (однократные действия и регулярно повто-ряющиеся действия в будущем / They will have English classes on Tuesday). Использование оборота to be going to для выражения запланированного будущего времени (Тhey are going to visit their parents next Saturday).
Употребление в настоящем продолженном времени (The Present Continuous Tense / Present Progressive): а) для обозначения длительного незавершенного действия, происходящего в момент речи (Look! Tom and Jim are fighting) или более обширный временной срез, нежели непосредст-венно момент речи (Are you driving tonight?); б) для обозначения будущего запланированного дей-ствия, которое произойдет в ближайшем будущем, особенно с глаголами движения и глаголом have (When are they leaving? We are having a party next Sunday night).
Употребление в прошедшем продолжительном времени (The Past Continuous Tense / Past Progressive) для обозначения незаконченного продолжительного времени в прошлом, которое происходило в определенный момент в прошлом (He was reading a newspaper at 5 o`clock yesterday), в придаточных, вводимых союзом while (While Mother was cooking lunch Ann was sweeping the floor in the sitting room), а также в главном предложении с придаточными, вводи-мыми союзом when для выражения действия, происходившего в прошлом одновременно с дей-ствием, описываемым в главном предложении (I was watching television when you phoned me).
Употребление в будущем продолженном времени (The Future Continuous Tense / Future Progressive) для выражения длительного действия, которое будет происходить в определенный момент в бу-дущем (My aunt will be crossing the Atlantic ocean at this time tomorrow).
Употребление в настоящем совершенном времени (The Present Perfect Tense / Present Perfect) для обозначения действия уже законченного, имевшего место в прошлом, но имеющего связь с на-стоящим или через результат действия (Oh dear! I have broken Alice`s favourite cup!) или через вре-менной срез, т.к. настоящее совершенное время используется для выражения действия или со-стояния, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается в момент речи, в частности для глаголов to be, to have, to know (I have known the Browns for twenty years / He has had that painting since November).
Употребление в настоящем совершенном продолженном времени (The Present Perfect Continuous Tense / Present Perfect Continuous) для выражения длительного действия, которое началось в про-шлом и еще совершается в настоящее время (I have been working for the company for 5 years) или закончилось непосредственно перед моментом речи и связано с настоящим результатом (Your clothes are dirty. Have you been fighting?).
Употребление в прошедшем совершенном времени (The Past Perfect Continuous Tense / Past Perfect Continuous) для выражения действия, закончившегося к определенному моменту в прошлом (I had finished my work by 5 o`clock. When we entered the hall the curtain had already risen).
Употребление согласно правилу согласования времени. He said he would go there. – Он сказал, что поедет туда. He said he lived in Paris. – Он сказал, что живет в Париже. He said he had lived in London before he came to Paris. – Он сказал, что жил в Лондоне, прежде чем приехал в Париж. John said he was leaving two hours later. – Джон сказал, что он уезжает через 2 часа. I explained to my little son that Rome is in Italy. – Я объяснила своему сынишке, что Рим находится в Италии. Mary said she left school in 1995. – Мария сказала, что окончила школу в 1995 году.
Употребление в страдательном залоге (The Passive Voice) в следующих видовременных формах – Present Indefinite Passive / Oranges are grown in hot countries; Past Indefinite Passive (The answer will be given immediately); Present Continuous Passive (A new school is being build in my street); Past Continuous Passive (The secretary said the document was being typed at the moment). Употребление в так называемом предложном пассиве (The Prepositional Passive) – The book is much spoken about. The doctor was sent for. He will be laughed at.
При чтении текста – употребление Present Perfect Passive (The texts have been translated) и Past Perfect Passive (He said the letters had been posted).
Употребление в повелительном наклонении (утвердительная и отрицательная формы) – Go there. Don`t talk!
Специфика употребления глаголов to be, to have (have got), to do, to feel, to think.
Употребление модальных глаголов can, may, must, should, ought to, to be to, to have to (have got to), need.
Употребление фразовых глаголов типа put on, look at и т.д.
Употребление неличных форм – инфинитивов, герундий, первое и второе причастия.
Употребление в конструкции «сложное дополнение» (Complex Object) после глаголов hear, see, notice, watch, feel (I saw her cross the street. I saw her cross the street), после глаголов want, expect и оборота would like (I would like you to meet my mother), после глаголов make и let в активном и пассивном залогах (We`ll make them do it. / They were made to do it. / Let him do it. / He was allowed to do it).
Наречие. Наречие времени (неопределенного времени), места, образа действия, меры и степени. Степени сравнения наречий. Место наречий в предложении. Наречия для определения прилага-тельных, наречий, глаголов, причастий.
Предлог. Предлоги места, направления, времени (и их отсутствие). Специфика предлогов for, during, from, since, in, on, at, to, into, out of, about of, with, by и т.д.Моделирование имен существи-тельных с помощью суффиксов: -er, -ing, -ment, -tion (sion), -ness, -ity, -ism, -(i)ty;
имен прилагательных с помощью суффиксов -y, -able, -ful, -ic/-ical, -al, -ish, -ous;
имен числительных с помощью суффиксов -teen, -ty, -th;
наречий с помощью суффикса -ly;
глаголов с помощью -en.
Знание префиксов un-, in-, im-, il-, ir-, re-, dis-.
Конверсия. Словосложение.
Синтаксис. Употребление простого (нераспространенного, распространенного) предложения с глагольным и именным сказуемыми. Употребление безразличных предложений типа: It is cold. It always snows here in winter. It is late. It is very kind of you. Употребление сложного дополнения по-сле глаголов smell, feel, sound, taste и т.д. Субстантивация прилагательных.
2. Основные требования к выполнению и оформлению контрольной работы.
1. Контрольную работу первого семестра необходимо распечатать на листах формата А4 и офор-мить согласно принятым требованиям титульный лист. Выберите правильный вариант и отметьте его ручкой (с синей или черной пастой). Контрольную работу переводить на русский язык не нужно. На титульном листе следует указать необходимые сведения:
Югорский государственный университет
Факультет заочного обучения
Контрольная работа по_________________________
Номер варианта_______________________________
_______________семестр 200__-200__ учебного года
осенний, весенний
фамилия, имя, отчество
Номер зачетной книжки________________________
Дата предоставления на проверку_______________
2. Условия заданий в контрольной работе следует переписывать полностью, без сокращений. Для примечаний преподавателя оставляются поля.
3. Выполненная контрольная работа своевременно передается студентом на факультет заочного обучения для проверки, рецензирования и оценки.
4. Если контрольная работа при рецензировании не зачтена, студент обязан внести необходимые изменения и предоставить работу на повторную рецензию.
5. Студент должен быть готов во время зачета или экзамена дать пояснения по решению задач со-ответствующей контрольной работы.
3. Выбор варианта контрольной работы
1. Студент выполняет контрольную работу в соответствии с номером варианта. Номером варианта является последняя цифра номера Зачетной книжки студента. Номера текстов, которые студент должен включить в свою контрольную работу, соответствуют номеру выполняемого варианта.
4. Варианты контрольных работ.
Контрольная работа 1.01
* - некоторые предложения предполагают два правильных ответа
1. My cousin is … bank manager.
a a b an c the d any
2. I write… books.
a the b a c - d some
3. Is this laptop … ?
a yours b your c you d -
4. Is Caroline … ?
a a friend of hers b her friend c hers friend d friend of hers
5. …is your mobile phone number?
a How b What c Which d Where
6. Who are …people over there?
a these b those c that d this
7. There are not …for every delegation.
a enough rooms b enough of rooms c rooms enough d rooms of enough
8. You are … young to be here. Who let you in here?
a too b enough c too much d very
9. It’s a Saturday evening. What’s the matter with you? Go have … fun.
a a b an c the d some
10. It is … weather, isn’t it?
a awful b an awful c a awful d the awful
11. My brother’s job is … that my uncle’s job because my brother is a surgeon.
a responsible b more responsible c the more responsible d reponsibler
12. If you work … this time, you will definitely pass the exam.
a harder b more harder c much harder d more hard
13. What is …memory about being at school?
a the most unpleasant b most pleasant c unpleasantest d the unpleasant
14. You … smoke in here. It is prohibited.
a can’t b mustn’t c shouldn’t d won’t
15. It … never happen again. I promise.
a must b will c shall d may
16. My boss told me to take a day off. I … work tomorrow.
a can’t b may not c don’t have to d mustn’t
17. …you help me, please?
a Will b Could c Might d Should
18. Well, I don’t know. You … talk to him about that. I’m sure he’ll understand.
a have to b can c should d ought to
19. It’s a joke, right. You … be joking.
a can b should c will d must
20. … I open the window? It’s very stuffy in here.
a Shall b Can c Must d Should
21. … you like some coffee?
a Could b Would c Should d May
22. Why did Mr. Dawson take a day off? I don’t know. He … be sick.
a should b may c can d might
23. You … come in here with animals.
a won’t b can’t c shouldn’t d couldn’t
24. Who … the radio?
a turn off b turned off c did turn off d did turned off
25. How … does this brand new BMW cost?
a many b long c often d much
26. How …does it take you to get to work?
a often b long c many d much
27. … a book on the table. Read it when you come home.
a There are b There is c There’s d It’s
28. The order will be delivered …two months.
a at b in c on d by
29. I know that they arrived …Wednesday morning.
a on b in c at d during
30. Do you work till 6 pm … every Monday?
a on b at c in d -
31. … next week I am going to New York on a business trip.
a in b at c - d on
32. He can’t talk to you …the moment. He is having a meeting.
a at b in c on d -
33. How many brothers …?
a do you has b have you got c do you have d are you having
34. … is a good shop at the end of the street.
a This b Their c There d That
35. … is rather strange that you did not meet him on your way here.
a There b It c That d These
36. Does … know the vault code?
a anyone b anybody c anything d someone
37. There is … at the door. Go open it.
a anybody b somebody c something d nobody
38. Somebody phoned, and I told … you were out of town for a week.
a him b her c it d them
39. It is a very easy question. Everybody … the answer.
a know b is knowing c knows d to know
40. I know … about it. Tell me everything you know.
a anything b nothing c everything d something
41. Susan has been here only a week, but she has already made … friends.
a much b many c a few d a little
42. I have finally managed to save …money this month.
a little b a little c many d much
43. Claire has … friends. She practically has nowhere to go.
a a few b many c a lot of d few
44. Tom and Naomi write letters … everyday.
a each other b one another c every other d one other
45. I rarely see my classmates now. We meet … once a year.
a each other b every other c one another d each others
46. I … to work for the BBC.
a use b used c to use d using
47. Chris does not play in a school football team … .
a no more b no longer c any more d any longer
48. Little Frank is … to walk to school.
a very young b too young c so young d young enough
49. I bought … souvenirs that I could not carry them all.
a so much b so many c too many d such many
50. It was … a lovely day that we decided to have a short walk.
a so b too c enough d such
51. David is not … to drive a car.
a old enough b enough old c so old d that old
52. We had … free time, that we went to a football match.
a so many b too much c so much d such much
53. I could not hear … he said.
a that b which c what d who
54. The bus … goes to Liverpool leaves from here.
a when b who c what d which
55. The woman … we spoke to gave us directions.
a which b that c who d what
56. The man…briefcase had been stolen went to the police station.
a who b that c whose d which
57. It was the same man … I saw on the bus yesterday.
a who b whom c what d when
58. The article … Arthur had written was full of mistakes.
a who b - c that d what
59. This is the place … I was stopped and attacked by thugs.
a when b where c that d which
60. He is very busy. He … a speech.
a is writing b has written c wrote d write
61. What … about the movie? It is exactly what I’ve been expecting.
a are you thinking b do you think c does you think d do you thinks
62. He usually … from 8 till 6.
a work b is working c works d has worked
63. When I opened the door, the partners … the new business plan.
a discussed b discuss c were discussing d have discussed
64. When Mike finished his complaint letter, he … it to the post office.
a take b took c taken d to take
65. What … at the moment?
a are you writing b do you write c have you written d did you write
66. I have found a wallet. Whom …to?
a does it belong b did it belong c is it belonging d does it belonging
67. I’m sorry but you are late. Mr. Locke … the office.
a has already left b already left c already leave d already leaves
68. He is my best friend. I have known him … 15 years.
a since b during c while d for
69. Have you seen George recently? Yes, I … him yesterday. Why?
a have seen b see c saw d was seeing
70. I can’t see you on Monday. I … business lunch with some dealers from Canada.
a will have b am having c am going to have d will be having
71. I know I’ve made a mistake. I promise this …never happen again.
a won’t b don’t c doesn’t d will
72. Next Saturday I … the high tech exhibition. Would you like to come with me?
a will visit b am visiting c visit d am going to visit
73. I got a letter from my sister. She … to see us.
a comes b come c will come d is coming
74. … apologizing he began insulting me.
a But b Instead of c Actually d In fact
75. I’ve watched the film you suggested. I did not enjoy it very much, … .
a although b still c however d besides
76. We did not have much time, … we managed to discuss everything.
a but b and c though d anyway
77. They failed to complete the data transmission … bad weather conditions.
a because b although c but d because of
78. Paul was sick, but he … went to work.
a however b besides c still d because of
79. …being arrested, Oliver kept on working on the book.
a despite b while c although d though
80. …Palmer did the right thing, he was fired.
a despite b although c and d because
Score: Mistakes:
Контрольная работа 2.01
1. Ознакомьтесь с содержанием статьи и отметьте каждое словосочетание цифрой места, где оно подходит по смыслу.
a easily exceeding d after ignition
b improve the standard e runs out
c time to escape f hit a peak
Fire tests spark safety fears
35 (a)
The doors are usually tested using a me-thod laid down by ISO, the International Organization for Standardization in Ge-neva. A section of the door is put in a furnace and the temperature gradually increased until it fails. Different types of fire door can then be categorised according to the time they take to fail.
Daniel Joyeux, a fire researcher at the In-dustrial Technical Centre of Steel Con-struction, took a fire door consisting of a wooden filling sandwiched between two steel sheets, which had an ISO rating of 60 minutes. He used ISO's method to test the door and found it survived for 70 minutes – (1) … the ISO rating.
Joyeux then recreated a typical hotel fire to test how effective the fire steel door would be in a real blaze. The fire steel door also had an ISO rating of 1 hour and led to a room built to represent a hotel bedroom. The researchers started the fire next to a bed. For more than 10 minutes the fire smouldered before flaring up. Then the temperature took off and (2) … of about 900C less than 20 minutes after ignition. He found that the outer steel sheeting buckled and the door failed in less than 20 minutes. Joyeux points out that this peak roughly coincided with the buckling of the steel plate. After hitting this peak, the temperature of a real fire begins to drop as it (3) … of fuel and oxy-gen.
The reason for the different results is that 40
75 the ISO test is highly artificial. The ISO fire rating doesn't represent what happens in a real fire, he says. First, it doesn't re-flect the door's performance in a real fire because only part of the door is tested and, second, the temperature of the ISO standard fire increases gradually, reaching a peak around an hour (4) … . Real fires often get hotter much more quickly.
This disparity could mean people grossly overestimate how long they have to es-cape a fire. "The whole point of fire doors is that they give people (5) …," says Peter Bressington of Arup Fire International in London. He states that wood is a better choice for fire doors in hotels than steel, because it costs less, is lighter, needs less maintenance and its fire performance is well understood.
The results raise severe doubts about the reliability of the international standard for testing fire doors. "This is a debate that is going on," says Galea, director of fire safety engineering at the University of Greenwich in London. "But what you hope for from the furnace tests is an as-sessment that errs on the pessimistic side, rather than one that is optimistic."
ISO acknowledges that its testing method is in need of a complete overhaul and says it is working out how to (6) … . "We want to make the test more realistic," says Peter Jackman, who chairs the working group revising the standard.
Journal reference: Fire Safety Journal (vol 32, p605)
Mick Hamer
2. Сопоставьте предложенные заголовки с параграфами статьи, содержание которых они (заголовки) отражают. Один из предложенных заголовков лишний.
1. The results indicate the ISO fire testing needs to be improved.
2. Wooden fire doors give people more time to escape than steel ones.
3. The ISO testing method is applicable for all fire doors.
4. An experiment shows that a fire door fails in one third of the time noted by ISO.
5. ISO fire simulation lacks some conditions of a real fire.
6. ISO will reevaluate its rating because of a fire researcher’s results.
7. A two steel sheets door with a wooden filling inside stands the heat longer as it was expected.
3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по содержанию статьи. Необходимо представить полные ответы.
1. Why did the fire door tested by Daniel Joyeux exceed the ISO fire rating?
2. Why did the outer steel sheeting buckle?
3. What made the temperature of a real fire drop?
4. Why is wood considered to be a better option for fire doors than steel?
5. What are the reasons for the different results in real fire testing and the ISO rating?
4. Перефразируйте предложение так, по возможности сократив или заменив слова так, чтобы смысл предложения не изменился.
1. The results raise severe doubts about the reliability of the international standard for testing fire doors.
2. Different types of fire door can then be categorised according to the time they take to fail.
3. A fire researcher took a fire door consisting of a wooden filling sandwiched between two steel sheets which had an ISO rating of 60 minutes.
4. ISO acknowledges that its testing method is in need of a complete overhaul.
5. Wood is a better choice for fire doors in hotels than steel because its fire performance is well un-derstood.
6. The ISO fire rating doesn't reflect the door's performance in a real fire because only part of the door is tested.
5. Переведите фрагмент статьи из 15 строк на ваш выбор.
6. Найдите в статье английские эквиваленты следующих русских фраз и предложений.
1. Древесина более приемлема для противопожарных дверей в гостиницах, чем сталь.
2. Метод тестирования нуждается в полной переработке.
3. Смысл противопожарных дверей в то, что они дают людям возможность эвакуироваться.
4. Результаты исследования подвергают сомнению надежность международных стандартов тестирования.
5. После преодоления пикового показателя, температура падает, так как не остается продукта горения и кислорода.
6. Внешнее стальное покрытие потрескалось, и дверь не выдержала огня менее чем через 20 минут.
Контрольная работа 3.01
1. Ознакомьтесь с содержанием статьи. Вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово.
a. tariffs b. conflict c. unanimity
d. competition e. consultation f. interpretations
WTO agreements
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only international organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.
35 The WTO has 150 members, accounting for over 97% of world trade. Around 30 others are negotiating membership.
The WTO is the successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GATT, which lasted from the end of the second World War to 1995.
At the heart of the system–known as the multilateral trading system–are the WTO’s agreements, negotiated and signed by a large majority of the world’s trading nations, and ratified in their parliaments. The current set runs to some 30,000 pages consisting of about 60 agreements and separate commit-ments (called schedules). Essentially, they are contracts, guaranteeing member countries important trade rights. They also bind governments to keep their trade policies within agreed limits to everybody’s benefit. Rich and poor countries alike have an equal right to challenge each other in the WTO’s dispute settlement procedures.
The details of how much countries are pre-pared to co-operate are hammered out at large sessions of talks, so-called trade rounds, of which there have been eight since 1947. The scope of trade rounds has steadily expanded and now includes intellectual pro-tection, investment, trade in services and agriculture as well as trade in manufactured goods.
Decisions in the WTO are made by consen-sus among all member countries. In prin-ciple, that is even more democratic than ma-jority rule because no decision is taken until everyone agrees. The consensus rule means every country has to be convinced before it
70 joins a consensus. There are no dissenters. It does reduce some inequalities, giving smaller countries more voice, and at the same time freeing the more powerful countries from the complexity of having to negotiate trade agreements with each of their numerous trading partners. So quite often reluctant countries are persuaded by being offered something in return.
Trade quarrels are resolved under Dispute Settlement Understanding. Countries bring disputes to the WTO if they think their rights under the agreements are being infringed. Judgements by specially-appointed independent experts are based on (1) …… of the agreements and individual countries’ commitments.
The system encourages countries to settle their differences through (2) ……. If it does not work, they can follow a carefully mapped out, stage-by-stage procedure that includes the possibility of a ruling by a p… Продолжение »