…anel of experts, and the chance to appeal the ruling on legal grounds. That way, the risk of disputes spilling over into political or military (3) …… is reduced.
The principles which members sign up to are: extending trade concessions equally to all WTO members; aiming for a freer global trade with lower (4) …… everywhere; mak-ing trade more predictable through the use of rules; bringing about more (5) …… by reducing protectionism.
The WTO makes decisions on a basis of (6) …… . WTO decisions can only be reversed by a unanimous vote, just as they can only be made that way.
2. Найдите в статье английские эквиваленты следующих предложений.
1. Они обязывают правительства проводить свою торговую политику в оговорен-ных ранее пределах.
2. Несогласных стран нет.
3. Решения ВТО принимаются на единогласной основе.
4. Спектр вопросов обсуждаемых на торговых раундах вырос значительно.
5. Система ориентирует страны на решение разногласий посредством перегово-ров.
6. Богатые и бедные страны обладают одинаковым правом для предъявления пре-тензий друг другу в ВТО.
7. Таким образом риск перерастания политических разногласий в военных кон-фликт снижается.
3. Ответьте на вопросы относительно содержания статьи.
1. What are the WTO’s agreements?
2. Where are different rules and contracts among all member countries discussed?
3. What way are any decisions in the WTO made in?
4. How are trade quarrels and disputes resolved in the WTO?
5. Is there a procedure to re-make a decision which has already been made?
4. Отметьте предложенные предложения T (True - верно), F (false - не верно), NM (Not Mentioned – не упоминается).
1. The fact that the disputes are based on WTO agreements means that there is a clear basis for judging who is right or wrong.
2. Each country receives guarantees that its exports will be treated fairly and consistently in other countries’ markets.
3. Trade allows a division of labour between countries and it allows resources to be used more appropriately and effectively for production.
4. If country’s rights under the agreements are violated by another country it can challenge the latter in the WTO’s dispute settlement procedures.
5. Independent experts launch an investigation and express their recommendations based on interpretations of the agreements and individual countries’ commitments.
6. The agreements bind governments to keep their trade policies within ratified in their parliaments limits to their citizens’ benefit.
5. Переведите на русский язык любой фрагмент из 10 строк.
6. Найдите в статье понятия, соответствующие каждому определению.
………………… 1. A decision or conclusion in a form of a document about something that everyone involved finds acceptable.
………………… 2. A sum of money you give to develop a business or pay to buy shares to receive a profit in the future.
………………… 3. The group of people who are responsible for ruling a country at a particular time.
………………… 4. General agreement amongst a group of people or countries about a subject or about something should be done.
………………… 5. An atmosphere in which two or more companies try to get people to buy their goods and services in preference to the other firms’ goods and services.
7. Восстановите каждое предложение и запишите его.
1. plays/ a vital role/ confidence/ reinforcing/ in creating/ and/ the WTO trading system.
2. is/ the welfare/ the goal/ of the peoples/ of the member countries/ to improve.
3. are/ the result/ the WTO’s agreements/ between/ of negotiations/ the members.
4. lowers/ negotiation/ trade/ through/ the WTO’s global system/ barriers.
5. and/ includes/ the WTO committee’s responsibility/ implementation/ of the agreements/technical cooperation.
8. Передайте содержание каждого предложения на английском языке. Каждое слово переводить не обязательно. Многие фрагменты нужно взять из статьи.
1. Всемирная торговая организация включает в себя 150 стран.
2. Ни одна из стран участниц ВТО не имеет права вето.
3. Принятие решение осуществляется в ходе консультаций заинтересованных в решении вопроса сторон.
4. Комиссия независимых экспертов рассматривает условия и обстоятельства кон-фликта и предлагает варианты его урегулирования.
5. Решение считается принятым, если все заинтересованные участники пришли к согласию.
9. Отразите основное содержание статьи в объёме 5-6 предложений на английском языке.
Контрольная работа 3.02
1. Ознакомьтесь с содержанием статьи. Вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово.
a. responsible b. reductions c. agreement
d. cost e. support f. damage
The Kyoto treaty
35 The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement setting targets for industrialised countries to cut their greenhouse gas emis-sions. These gases are considered at least partly responsible for global warming - the rise in global temperature which may have catastrophic consequences for life on Earth. The protocol was established in 1997, based on principles set out in a framework agree-ment signed in 1992.
Industrialised countries have committed to cut their combined emissions to 5% below 1990 levels by 2008 - 2012. Each country that signed the protocol agreed to its own specific target. EU countries are expected to cut their present emissions by 8% and Japan by 5%. Industrialised countries cut their overall emissions by about 3% from 1990 to 2000. But this was largely because a sharp decrease in emissions from the collapsing economies of former Soviet countries masked an 8% rise among rich countries. The UN says industrialised countries are now well off target for the end of the decade and predicts emissions 10% above 1990 levels by 2010. Only four EU countries are on track to meet their own targets.
Most climate scientists say that the targets set in the Kyoto Protocol are merely scratching the surface of the problem. The agreement aims to reduce emissions from industrialised nations only by around 5%, whereas the consensus among many climate scientists is that in order to avoid the worst conse-quences of global warming, emissions cuts in the order of 60% across the board are
70 needed. This has led to criticisms that the agreement is toothless, as well as being vir-tually obsolete without US support.
But others say its failure would be a disaster as, despite its flaws, it sets out a framework for future negotiations which could take another decade to rebuild. Kyoto commit-ments have been signed into law in some countries, US states and in the EU, and will stay in place regardless of the fate of the protocol itself. Without Kyoto, politicians and companies working towards climate-friendly economies would face a much rougher ride.
Russia initially decides to back the Kyoto protocol in September 2004. The deciding factor appears to be not the economic (1) ……, but the political benefits for Russia. In particular, there has been talk of stronger European Union (2) …… for Russia's bid to join the WTO, when it ratifies the protocol.
Before Russia's backing, many feared Kyoto was on its last legs. The (3) …… stipulates that for it to become binding in international law, it must be ratified by the countries who together are (4) …… for at least 55% of 1990 global greenhouse gas emissions.
The treaty suffered a massive blow in 2001 when the US, responsible for about quarter of the world's emissions, pulled out, saying implementing it would gravely (5) ……. the US economy. The US administration dubbed the treaty "fatally flawed", partly be-cause it does not require developing coun-tries to commit to emissions (6) …… .
2. Найдите в статье английские эквиваленты следующих предложений.
1. Нормы, указанные в протоколе, вообще не решают данной проблемы.
2. В 2001 году Киотскому соглашению был нанесен «сокрушительный удар», когда США вышли из него.
3. Он (протокол) предлагает основы для будущих переговоров, которые могут длиться десятилетия.
4. Без Киотского соглашения, политики, ученые и организации, занимающиеся вопросами создания безопасных для окружающей среды экономик, столкнулись бы с большим количеством трудностей.
5. Ожидается, что страны ЕС снизят объемы выбросов на 8%.
6. Только четыре страны ЕС точно выполняют предписанные им нормы.
7. Чтобы избежать последствий глобального потепления необходимо снизить вы-бросы парникового газа на 60% во всем мире.
3. Ответьте на вопросы относительно содержания статьи.
1. What is the primary goal of the Kyoto treaty?
2. Have the countries signed the treaty achieved their targets?
3. How much difference will Kyoto make?
4. Why did Russia back the Kyoto treaty?
5. Why did the USA pull out of the Kyoto protocol in 2001?
4. Отметьте предложенные предложения T (True - верно), F (false - не верно), NM (Not Mentioned – не упоминается).
1. The protocol sees industrialised countries committing to cutting their combined greenhouse gas emissions to 5% below their 1990 levels by 2008 - 2012.
2. Having agreed to ratify the protocol, the Russians are hoping that they will receive support in joining the World Trade Organisation.
3. Emissions trading works by allowing countries to buy and sell their agreed allow-ances of greenhouse gas emissions.
4. Some countries with low emissions were permitted to increase them.
5. The protocol also suffers from the withdrawal of the world's biggest single polluter, the United States.
6. Mr Bush says he backs emissions reductions through voluntary action and new en-ergy technologies.
5. Переведите на русский язык любой фрагмент из 10 строк.
6. Найдите в статье понятия, соответствующие каждому определению.
………………… 1. A general agreement amongst a group of people or countries about something that should be done.
………………… 2. An objective or a result that you aim to achieve or gain.
………………… 3. Discussions that take place to reach an agreement between counterparts (countries, companies, people) that have different interests.
………………… 4. A document which is signed by counterparts because they have come to a mutual conclusion about something.
………………… 5. Something that will make your life better usually is a result of your actions.
7. Восстановите каждое предложение.
1. The protocol/ from the withdrawal/ single polluter/ also suffers/ of the world's biggest.
2. should/ into force / be ratified/ The Kyoto Protocol/ by developed nations/ to come.
3. Russia’s entry/ and law/ is/ forward/ into force of Kyoto/ the biggest step/ in environmental politics.
4. on/ certain/ only places/ The Kyoto treaty/ emission restrictions/ countries.
5. Developing countries/ to climate change/ to commit/ do not have/ contributing least/ to specific targets.
8. Передайте содержание каждого предложения на английском языке. Каждое слово переводить не обязательно. Многие фрагменты нужно взять из статьи.
1. В 2004 году Россия приняла решение о подписании Kyoto протокола.
2. Основная цель протокола ограничить выброс парниковых газов в атмосферу.
3. Парниковый газ является одной из причин глобального потепления.
4. Протокол позволит России продавать неиспользуемую часть квот на воздух.
5. Многие ученые утверждают, что особой пользы Kyoto договор не принесет.
9. Отразите основное содержание статьи в объёме 5-6 предложений на английском языке.
Контрольная работа 3.03
1. Ознакомьтесь с содержанием статьи. Вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово.
a. uncertainty b. agreement c. independence
d. disappointment e. population f. concerns
The European Union expansion
The European Union is the framework for economic and political co-operation between 25 European countries.
35 It began as a post-war initiative between six countries pooling control over coal and steel to guarantee a more peaceful future for Eu-rope. But the EU now manages co-operation on issues as wide-ranging as the environment, transport and employment, and wields increasing influence in defence and foreign policy. It has five declared ob-jectives: to promote economic and social progress; to assert the identity of the Euro-pean Union on the international scene; to introduce European citizenship; to develop an area of freedom, security and justice; to maintain and build on established EU law.
Officially, the European Union only exists since the early 1990s, although the term has been used for much longer than that. The Maastricht Treaty renamed the European Community the European Union by forming what are known as the three pillars of the EU. They are: European Community; Common Foreign and Security Policy; Justice and Home Affairs. The first pillar is ma-naged by the institutions of the EU, while the second and third work through inter-governmental co-operation.
The first pillar is responsible for the single market and freedom of movement across borders. It also looks after economic and monetary union and issues such as agricul-ture, environment and competition. In this pillar, unlike the other two, member states have given up some of their sovereignty and EU institutions can act independently of the national governments.
In the second pillar, member states aim to
70 hold common positions and take joint action on foreign and security affairs. The objective of the Justice and Home Affairs pillar is to integrate member states' policies on asylum and immigration, customs, drugs and crime.
In May 2004 the 15 old members of the EU welcomed in Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. With a (1) …… of 455m, the EU now is the world's biggest trading bloc. In the existing member states, there is more (2) …… over immigra-tion, over the new balance of forces within the EU and over whom the club should ad-mit next. For the newcomers, there are (3) …… about price hikes without commensu-rate salary increases.
There is also (4) …… that established members have placed restrictions of up to seven years on freedom of movement for workers from the relatively poor east into the west.
Eight of the new members are former communist states, joining the Western club only 15 years after most of them emerged from years of Soviet domination. Some did not even regain their (5) …… until just over a decade ago.
Bulgaria and Romania will join them bring-ing the total membership of the EU to 27 by the end of 2007. These countries will now need to get the (6) …… of their people and a series of referendums will be run over the next year or so.
2. Найдите в статье английские эквиваленты следующих предложений. Все предло-жение из статьи выписывать не нужно. Произведите все необходимые сокращения.
1. Ряд референдумов будет проведен в течение нескольких лет.
2. Страны-члены намереваются придерживаться единой политики.
3. Страны-члены ввели ограничения сроком до семи лет на свободу передвижения рабочей силы.
4. Второй и третий институты ЕС функционируют посредством межправи-тельственного сотрудничества.
5. Европейский Союз обеспечивает сотрудничество по широкому спектру вопро-сов.
6. Страны-члены лишились суверенитета.
7. Новые члены высказываю беспокойство относительно резких скачков цен без соответствующей компенсации в зарплате.
3. Ответьте на вопросы относительно содержания статьи.
1. What spheres of life are of the EU’s concern?
2. Does the EU have any objectives?
3. What are the three pillars responsible for?
4. Why is the EU the world’s biggest trading bloc?
5. Have the existing member states placed any restrictions?
4. Отметьте предложенные предложения T (True - верно), F (false - не верно), NM (Not Mentioned – не упоминается).
1. Six European countries joined forces in an alliance to control steel and coal sup-plies and to support economic growth after the Second World War.
2. One of the declared objectives is to represent the EU as a whole at any interna-tional meetings, conferences, summits and assemblies.
3. In the second pillar the EU member states can have armies of their own to protect themselves from any threats either domestic or foreign.
4. Open borders and freedom of movement indicate that there is a shift of workforce from relatively poor east into the west.
5. Citizens of the 10 new members won’t be able to move around the EU freely up to 7 years.
6. If a country is welcomed to join the EU, its government has to run a serious of referendums to clarify its population’s opinion.
5. Переведите на русский язык любой фрагмент из 10 строк.
6. Найдите в статье понятия, соответствующие каждому определению.
………………… 1. The right to express any political or religious opinion, live, move around or act without the government or another country interfer-ing.
………………… 2. The system that a country uses in order to make sure that people obey laws and that punishment is given to those people who break the law.
………………… 3. A rule or order that limits what you can do or prevents you from doing what you can do.
………………… 4. An atmosphere in which two or more companies try to get people to buy their goods and services in preference to the other firms’ goods and services.
………………… 5. A very sudden sometimes unexpected rise of interest rates and prices.
7. Восстановите каждое предложение.
1. the total/ the ten new/ have brought/ market/ countries/ 455 million people/ in the EU/ to around.
2. The European Central Bank/ and/ maintains/ in the euro area/ price stability/ the money supply / by controlling / monitoring price trends.
3. legislation/ the European/ makes/ on / Parliament/ and / decisions/ the budget of the EU.
4. and/ are /currently/ Romania/ negotiating/ the EU/ Bulgaria/ to join /by 2007.
5. the organisation/ is/ integrates/ The European Union/ which/ both politically/ 25 countries/ and/ economically.
8. Передайте содержание каждого предложения на английском языке. Каждое слово переводить не обязательно. Многие фрагменты нужно взять из статьи.
1. В настоящее время ЕС насчитывает 25 стран.
2. Для многих стран вступление в ЕС означает серьезные преобразования в области социальной и экономической политики.
3. Во-первых, вступившим в ЕС странам предстоит решить проблемы, связанные с безработицей.
4. Во-вторых, новым участникам предстоит пересмотреть в соответствии с законами ЕС многие программы по социальному обеспечению населения.
5. В-третьих, государства теряют независимость не только географически, но и на уровне государственного управления.
9. Отразите основное содержание статьи в объёме 5-6 предложений на английском языке.
Контрольная работа (деловой английский язык) 4.01
1. Complete the first gap with a verb from box A and the second gap with a preposition from box B.
box A
listen communicate deal delegate
invest respond box B
to in to to with with
Six tips for managing people more successfully
1. Your staff will often have good ideas, so ………………… ………………. what they have to say.
2. Do not do everything yourself. ………………… tasks ………………. other people.
3. Problems may be more difficult to solve if you wait too long, so ………………… ………………. them as soon as you can.
4. Good employees want to develop professionally, so ………………… ………………. courses and seminars for them.
5. Clear information is very important. ………………… ………………. your employees clearly, so that they know exactly what you expected.
6. When your employees are satisfied, they work more effectively, so ………………… ………………. their needs without delay.
subtotal: 6
2. Match these sentences halves.
Six tips for being a more successful negotiator
7. Good answers don’t come quickly,
8. Sometimes you have to compromise –
9. Don’t get angry too quickly –
10. Don’t agree with everyone all the time,
11. Say when you like an idea –
12. Keep the same attitude towards others - a. you can’t be tough all the time.
b. or they’ll think you’re weak.
c. enthusiastic negotiators are rare!
d. be consistent.
e. so don’t be too impatient.
f. try and stay calm.
subtotal: 6
3. Read the text below about the influence of culture on negotiating behavior. In each line 13-21 there is one wrong word. For each line, write the correct word in the space provided.
Negotiating behavior
13. …………
14. …………
15. …………
16. …………
17. …………
18. …………
19. …………
20. ………… Many people say that negotiating behavior varies from culture to another.
Americans, they say, are usually open, sociable, and informal. Germans
negotiators, on the other hand, placing great weight on clarity and thoroughness, while Spaniards are spontaneous and did not mind interrupting each other.
There is probably any truth in such generalizations, but we should be very
careful with culturally stereotypes. To begin with, they may affect the way we
response to other nationalities. More importantly, we should remember that
each negotiator has a unique personalities. We notice this more quickly when
done business with people from the same country as ours.
subtotal: 8
4. Put these word groups in order to make sentences.
Dealing with stress
21. handle stress/Men and/very differently/women generally
22. women suffer/ men than/from stress-related illnesses/ However, more
23. as good/coping strategies/as women’s/That is/are not/because their
24. come from/from work/home and/These pressures
25. are only/at work/Many men/under pressure
26. are much/than men/To begin with,/more flexible/women
27. with the/Also, they/than men/pressures better/usually cope
subtotal: 7
5. Put the lines of the following negotiation into a suitable sequence.
28. Right. Let’s get started, shall we? If we buy 100 ‘Hit’ and 100 ‘Tournament’ tennis rackets, what discount can you offer us?
29. Alright, that sounds reasonable, we’ll agree to that. Now, if we place an order this week, will you be able to ship the goods within ten days?
30. Fine, That’s it, then. I think we’ve covered everything.
31. Mmm, let me think about that. If we agree to let you pay by letter of credit, then you’ll have to pay within 30 days, and you’ll have to cover insurance as well.
32. On an order of that size, and since it’s your first order with us, we can offer 5%. But then we can offer 10% off all quoted prices for further orders above $6,000.
33. Well, we’d prefer to pay by letter of credit.
34. Certainly. And as regards payment, we would expect you to pay by bank transfer as soon as the goods have been dispatched.
subtotal: 7
6. Match the words to their definitions.
….. 35. flexitime
36. deadline
37. workaholic
38. lifestyle
39. promotion
40. negotiation a. someone who can not stop working and has no time for anything else.
b. discussion that takes place between people who have different inter-ests in business.
c. the way people choose to organize their lives.
d. a move to a more important job or position in a company.
e. a time or date by which you have to do something.
f. a system where employees choose the time they start and finish work each day.
subtotal: 6
7. Read the article about staff morale and complete the words.
Dealing with staff morale
A motivated workforce is a great business asset that can help you get ahead of the competition.
Consider what motivates your staff. This could be the opportunity for new challenges, a sociable environment, the (41) s _ _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ _ n of a job well done, recognition by peers or financial security.
Effective motivation needs to take account of such varying drivers.
People work best when they know what is ex-pected of them. Many also enjoy trying to reach a goal or exceed a target. Such goals and targets should be agreed with the employee, not im-posed from above. To be effective, goals must be clearly defined, achievable but not too easy, and set for specified periods.
There should also be a clear (42) r _ _ _rd asso-ciated with achieving the goal, whether that be public praise for a job well done, promotion to a more senior role or a pay bonus.
Regular feedback is (43) e _ _ _ _ _ _ al. Em-ployees who feel they are working in a 20
vacuum can lose momentum. Feedback can take the form of formal, annual appraisal sessions, as well as in formal (44) c _ _ m _ _ t on current work and achievements. Criticism should not be avoided if it is necessary. Staff who feel that one individual is getting away with poor performance can quickly become de-motivated. Dismissing persistent poor performers can often boost the morale of (45) c _ _ _ _ _ _ rs.
Bonus schemes can be set up in ways that link final pay to individual or team performance. Bo-nuses are particularly relevant for sales-related roles, where individual performance has a direct impact on sales generation.
Some individuals may be highly motivated by a small basic pay and high bonus element. In gen-eral, staff need to believe that the salaries paid to themselves and their colleagues are fair, both internally in the (46) b_ _ _ _ _ _ s and compared with competitors.
subtotal: 6
47. ……………………………
48. ……………………………
49. ……………………………. noun
adjective 50. ……………………………
51. ……………………………
52. …………………………… noun
noun (pl)
subtotal: 6
8. Mark the statements T (true) or F (false).
…... 53. A sociable environment has a great impact on staff.
54. A job is successful if the employee knows exactly what they are supposed to do on the job.
55. The employee must know that if they reach a goal, they will get a pay bonus or promotion.
56. If the employee is not properly appraised for a job well done, they can be de-motivated.
57. The employee should be aware of their senior colleagues’ criticism if the job is not quite satisfactory.
58.&nb… Продолжение »